PAX EAST 2019 – NFL Running Back Ahman Green, Dan Rue, Adult Swim Yacht Party, & more

It’s always a pleasure to work with brands at each PAX. Whether East or West, South, or Dev the Penny Arcade Expo is probably my most favorite gaming conference ever. Yeah, it’s better than E3.

The city has some of the best fish and chips I have ever had. And I had them once in England. Some countryside pub. Authentic.

There’s always something to do at PAX. So many people to meet easily right on the floor.

Lots of memories to make with new and old friends.

My Bff @CrestaStarr
My Bff @CrestaStarr

From live events, games, mixers, shops, prizes, music, & panels.

It’s always best to go Wed-Monday and just nerd tf out. It’s like a pilgrimage to the Mother Land. If you are going to make it, invest in it. Make it your own holiday.

If you are a gamer and you want to meet other gamers for a week of good times, go to PAX East. But if you still don’t believe me. Try one last thing, watch this highlight.